NEW! #Give_Em_Heaven #Podcast >> You Don't Wanna Miss! Feb 20, 2024 | 7 Days Ago!
YouTube #Testimonials Below..
Sunday before I started the nightshift at work I started repeating: "Break me before you bless me Lord!". And trust me He broke me all the way down, yesterday I received my deliverance!
* HELLO my brothers and sisters I'm listening ans watching from the Navajo reservation in SHIPROCK NM. LORD my King and savior brought me outta so MUCH ! He's still delivering us we still LEARNING. The people perish because of lack.of knowledge. Praying for the Holy Spirit to.invade our people and bring us to true REPENTANCE so that our land and people can forgive and heal in Jesus awesome powerful name! AMEN TYJESUS
* My testimony: After being an atheist for 8+ years, and "married" to another female, I got the urge one day to say out loud "IF there is an Almighty God that does NOT wish us pain or sorrow, please bring me truth, I wish to know you exist". Then God immediately started bringing me the answers I had been searching 8-11 YEARS for! I witnessed Him take control of my internet and the rest of my reality; He first proved to me that demons exist (I called them "inter-dimensional beings"), then He proved His own existence when He didn't have to, which I later found to be Jesus Christ. As soon as I found Jesus at the end of 2020, He IMMEDIATELY took away my transgenderism, bisexuality, depression, daily suicide attempts, self harm, bulimia and anorexia; and He did this all without me asking Him to, because THAT'S how merciful and loving He is! Praise God!
* My 6 year old nephew sings this everyday, and recently sang it to his #backsliding_mother. Out of the mouths of babes..
* Your music is helping me as a rapper , and the message in your lyrics has taught me things and brang me closer to knowing Jesus again , I gave my heart young and was baptised young
Through a church , then lost my way , one of your songs came into my life then I looked further into you and your music and it was an awakening moment …through Jesus I connected with you and through Jesus all great things are done . BRYANN T , LECRAE , TOBY MAC .. the only music I will play as it resonates with my life and my journey to spiritual cleansing and killing my flesh ! Your music is the music I need to play as I journey toward greater things .
So thank you thank you for your music and the message you push. I always had a connection with Jesus but was living dirty , I’m not fully clean yet .. but your music helps me , I now listen to the bible after so many times attempting to , I’m now driven to listen till the end , I’m going back to church this Sunday and I’m tryna kill my flesh . I wrote music that wasn’t holy , now I’m writing music that’s about things I needed to write about .. praising Jesus name and shaming satans way .
Appreciate you brother bryann. Jesus works in mysterious ways and I’m glad he gave me your music to hear and soak up .
* ingdom Disciple Soulja. Bryan T. My brotha you are a mighty Warrior. You are impacting darkness of the enemies camp. Please continuing fighting that Spiritual fight. Yours beats are fresh and words powerful. Reaching far beyond your physical territory. Keep bringing that forward renewing the minds of those only you can reach. The sword of the Spirit is your mighty weapon. I've just caught on to your Spiritual powerful Revival movement. Keep sharing your heart. You are Dubbed up my brother. Keeping you up in prayer. Your lost is so hurtful.. You take your pain and have flipped it into progress. Your bro. Is mighty in Soirit and still apart of you. Keep flowing and going forward. PEACE, GRACE, MERCY, LOVE AND KINDNESS. LET YOUR FRUIT FLOW.
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