👔 MEMORY LANE 2012 | 💼 #WHY_BUSINESS_MATTERS to #GOD, Jeff Van Duzer #PART 1
Too often #Christian #businesspeople think that their work's sole #purpose is to #generate_money that they can donate to more #spiritual causes. But what about #business itself? Does #God care about that? The #Bible teaches that before the fall—in God's #perfect_creation—humans were #called to #work. Since God #created people to work, God desires #businesses to provide #opportunities for #individuals to express their #GOD_GIVEN_INDENTITY in #meaningful and #creative_work. In this #paradigm, #profit_ceases to be an #end in #itself. Instead, profit becomes the means by which a business produces goods and services which enables a community's #flourishing.
This lecture was given as part of the #Gospel & #Culture Lecture series featuring Jeff Van Duzer. Jeff Van Duzer is in his tenth year as the #Dean of the #School of #Business and #Economics at #Seattle_Pacific_University. He is the author of Why Business Matters to God, and his areas of research include the #ethics of #wealth_creation and distribution and the applied #integration of business and #theology.
1. #VIDEO:
2. Static Page:
God Creates the World (Genesis 1:1-2:3) | The first thing the Bible tells us is that God is a creator. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1, NRSV alternate reading). God speaks and things come into being that were not there before, beginning with the universe itself. Creation is solely an act of God. It is not an accident, a mistake, or the product of an inferior deity, but the self-expression of God.
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