#BOYCOTT_CNBC! News Alert! 2 #ZIONIST #SNAKE_OIL_SALESMAN SELLING MORE #FAKE_TECHNOLOGY AGAIN! #Google is #Poisoning their OWN DATA Rendering #AD_WORDS #ADVERTISING #Targeting #OBSOLETE! And they don’t even know it… see below.
What happened to #DEEP_MIND? and/or #LaMDA? Etc. etc. #TastingTraffic LLC #SHUT_DOWN BOTH!;) Overnight!
#TastingTraffic LLC debunked #Google Long ago--many times. btw.. Google still under #ANTI_TRUST investigation by the #CROOKED #Biden_Administration--that will Never Be Finalized?? PROOF of more #Israeli_Terrorists Meddling #behind_the_scenes.
We have 100% #Proof and #Evidence that the #State of #ISRAEL has Stolen your #Personal_Data as well as your #Intellectual_Property Worldwide. (#Oracle a #Jewish_Owned #Fortune 500 Company)
But know one asks us ever for the evidence or Proof.. NO ONE?? Confirmation of an #Illegal Major #Concealment & COVER-UP #CRIME(s) over the last 7,300 days / 2 decades / 20 years??
Do not use #USPTO #Patent_office for anything. #Trade_Secret_Everything (SECURE CODE BEHIND PRYING EYES IN-HOUSE SERVER SIDE) or lose everything--your choice?
..and these are Blatant LIES and more HYPE by #Israeli Controlled Mainstream News Outlets in our USA #Homeland NO LESS? Called #CNBC..
GET OUT of OUR Country NOW! You are Terrorist and Murders of 26,000 innocent civilians in Gaza >>> and are not welcomed in the USA anymore!
Don’t be Fooled folks you are listening to #ISRAELI #Propaganda via Proxy Propaganda Machine out of CNBC (#WAR_PROXY) = aka #Israeli_ZIONISTS.
There is #NO #AI; its all #FAKE! Google’s #BARD >> Renamed to #Gemini #DEMO was also #FAKED! They don’t know what to call themselves since all are #failures. Like Elon Musk everything the #JEWS #touch will #FAIL!
All they know how to do IS CHANGE THE NAME and RE-BRAND the same TECH through HYPE under a different name over and over again (LIKE #PARROTS) to cover their #UNENDING_FAILURES! And that my friends is the REAL TRUTH behind Israeli #AI_TECH. They sacrificed 1200 (WALL BEACHED SECURITY WAS 100% ALGORITHMS w/o Human assistance Is Proof of MAJOR #IN_COMPETENCIES) of their own Citizens for Software tech that was easily #COMPROMISED.
#ANYONE could have #BREACHED that #WALL--NOT just #HAMAS!
After-all #Colonial_Pipeline was Using a Compromised (WEAK) #Password. Any #UNETHICAL_HACKER could get in. Why? Because there is no code (AI is a Fantasy) >> on the planet that can operate and/or function as intended UNSUPERVISED >> WITHOUT 24/7 #HUMAN_SUPERVISION. Proof Israeli's Engineers #GRANDIOSE_CLAIMS Murdered their own Citizens! (DavidV exp. 200K Project management hours under belt since 1999)
They #MURDERED their own people--if the #TRUTH BE #TOLD! And the Jewish Citizens TRUSTED them and many unfortunately were Killed >> then tried to place the #FLACCID_INCOMPETENCY ON #HAMAS AND PUNISHMENT w/ Vengeance against the #palestinian people—like as if they had something to do with it... UGH!
At the cost of 26,500 murdered innocent Victims (Civilians NO LESS)?? How much does the Israeli/s Zionist Value an American Life?? I will answer it for you.. $0.00 USD!
But they need our #Tax_Dollars to Survive?? Who wants to pay taxes now to FUND GENOCIDE of Children!?
After #NETAN_YAHOO! Incited the Murder of his last running mate; calling him and #NAZI when in-fact #NETAN_YAHOO! is the murdering #Nazi_Hitler! Responsible. In charge of the United States of America??
You are all LUNATICS! Sexual immorality >> Murder >> Mental Illness. The path you have chosen.
~Reverse Software Engineer 27 Years~
This could be MORE #Fake_Propaganda--as well, for all we know??.. You See folks how can you #TRUST anything or anyone when Israel and #USA has just committed #Genocide while the #WORLD TURNS A #BLIND EYE. When Instead, our Military should of went into #ISRAEL and #ARRESTED ALL OF THEM. Instead of Military Support! Starting with Biden’s Cabinet!
Google’s new #Gemini_AI_model (aka #FAKED!) is getting a mixed reception after its big debut last month, but users may have #less_confidence in the company’s #tech or #integrity after #finding_out that the most impressive #demo of #Gemini WAS PRETTY MUCH #FAKED!
Static Page: Google’s best Gemini demo was faked
ACTUAL #FAKED_VIDEO HERE: Hands-on with #Gemini: #Interacting?? ( #BULLSH*T! ) with #FAKE_COPYCAT AI..??
Just 2 #BIG problems:
1. The #video isn’t #real. “We created the demo by capturing footage in order to test #Gemini’s capabilities on a wide range of challenges. Then we prompted Gemini using still image frames from the footage, and prompting via text.” (#Parmy_Olson was the first to #report the #discrepancy.)
2. #Google is #Poisoning their #OWN_DATA Rendering #AD_WORDS #ADVERTISING Targeting #OBSOLETE! Aka USELESS ..And they don’t even know it...
DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the #News is #COVERED_UP!
* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
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